Tuesday, October 7, 2008

*******VIBE can be a leader for change?

VIBE is not the only magazine out there that represents body image in a bad light.

Stores are swamped with tons of publications that some of us see every day: Cosmo, In Touch, People, Glamour, etc.

VIBE Magazine is one of THE worst though!!!!!!

Editor-in-Chief of VIBE Magazine, Danyel Smith has written for many publications and is seen as a pop culture expert on VH1 where she is regularly listened to as a commentator. She is an educated woman with a master of fine arts in creative writing from the New School University.

Something NEEDS to happen and I cannot constantly be looking at Skinny Bitches that keep getting skinnier and skinnier.

At the rate we're going at, 5 years from now the female body is going to be made to be the size of a pole in media advertisements. What is it going to take to get something to change with all of this? Enough people have already been hospitalized for their poor living habits in trying to become this "unattainable image."

There needs to be a new protocol and rules put out there for the magazines that instill the altering of a body image in their publications! Once the altering is taken away from the print...the altering will be taken out of people.

It starts with YOU Danyel Smith. You are one of the most influential editors in the business and are better than what you are putting out there.


Noun 1. editor in chief - a person responsible for the editorial aspects of publication; the person who determines the final content of a text (especially of a newspaper or magazine)

The Editor-in-Chief has the power to change what is being viewed.


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