Monday, November 17, 2008

Aha! Skinny Models Don't Sell More Products

-original article-

"Skinny Here's a study that's likely to get a lot of media attention (especially if female editors of a certain age have anything to say about it).

Research conducted at the University of Queensland indicates that ads featuring super-skinny models are no more effective at making women want to buy a product than similar ads featuring a healthy looking model.

Researcher Philippa Dietrichs (you go, girl!) created three ads for products targeted to women: lingerie, shampoo and a dress. Each ad was produced twice: once showing a photo of a healthy looking young woman and once showing the kind of skinny model who makes Kate Moss look like a bodybuilder.

Both sets of ads were then shown to 400 young women. Respondents showed no difference in their likelihood to buy the products. However, women 18 to 25 reported feeling better about themselves after viewing the ad with the healthier looking model.

Says Diedrichs, "Often people make the argument that thinness sells, and that's why they use slim models.

"But we can change the images we see and still sell products but also make people feel better about themselves."

OK, so maybe the science behind this study is a little shaky, since 400 women isn't a huge sample, and consumer intentions and self-image are hard to quantify. Still, the next time a client or casting agent suggests using a teenager who looks like she subsists on diet Coke and Trident, why not mention that famous Queensland study? "

Posted by Holly Hughes in Fashion on November 17, 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0) AddThis Social Bookmark Button


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